Trend Micro

Uninstall Trend Micro Without Admin Password

1. In your favorite text editor, open the file Ofcscan.ini generally located at:


C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan Client\Ofcscan.ini

Note: Thanks to Lautaro’s comment below, please be aware that these files may also be in C:\Program Files(x86)\ directory.

2. Search for the line containing Uninstall_Pwd or Unload_Pwd, which should be under the section INI_CLIENT_SECTION. It will look like:



3. The password is encrypted, but you can simply remove the encrypted portion and replace it with your own MD5 hash. Generate your own password by visiting my MD5 hash generator. Simply enter the password you want and it will make the hash for you.

4. On the Uninstall_Pwd line, after the !CRYPT! section, enter 111 and then the hash you generated above. For example, you can change the password to “password” by changing the line to read:



5. Save the Ofcscan.ini file and run the uninstaller again and use the new password you created.

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